Bed Bugs in Paris: A Biting Issue – A Deeper Look

Bed bugs in Paris have become a hot-button issue and concern for travellers across Europe and beyond, with fears of international outbreaks clutching the world’s attention over the last year or so. But how did things get to this point? Are there bed bugs in Paris right now? And what does it spell for the hospitality industry? We explore these questions and more in this blog.

History of Bed Bugs in Paris

Bed bugs have been unwelcome guests in Paris for centuries, with evidence suggesting their presence dates back to at least the Middle Ages. Further studies suggest they’ve wandered the earth for over 100 million years, illustrating the persistence, lineage, and survival instincts of these creepy little pests.

In the mid-20th century, bed bug populations witnessed a significant decline across the world, primarily due to the widespread use of powerful insecticides like DDT. These insecticides were known to be highly effective in reducing infestations when first introduced, however, this success was short-lived as the pests developed resistance over time.

Despite bed bugs’ resistance developing fairly quickly, the decline in their populations during this period was so significant that many people in developed countries, including France, began to regard them as a problem of the past. If only that were the case!

Bed Bugs Paris

Bed Bugs in Paris 2023: Understanding Current Situation

Fast forward to late 2023 when the media started to release articles about the worst bed bug outbreak Paris had seen in years. Reports of infestations emerged from various locations, including hotels, public transportation, and even cinemas, with some offering breakdowns and others sharing personal experiences.

The sudden bed bug infestation Paris coincided with Paris Fashion Week, catching many by surprise, and leading to widespread concern for travelers and locals alike.

Causes of the Increase of Bed Bugs in Paris

When trying to determine the cause of the Paris bed bug infestation, a number of core factors can be pointed to.

Increased Global Travel

Post-pandemic, international tourism surged, especially to Paris – the most visited city in 2022 – inadvertently facilitating the transport of bed bugs across borders. Increased global movement exacerbates infestations, making it easier for pests to hitchhike in luggage and personal belongings to spread to different communities.

The rise in global travel to Paris meant that bed bug populations could descend and multiply in the City of Lights at monumental rates, especially during international events like Fashion Week.

Pesticide Resistance

The bed bugs Paris is laden with have evolved, developing resistance to some traditional insecticides. This adaptation made eradication more challenging, necessitating the development of new, more effective natural treatment methods. Methods that were once effective are now less so, however, the international pest control exterminator community has yet to adopt newer methods of treatment.

Impact on Tourism

The bed bug outbreak poses a significant threat to Paris’ thriving tourism industry, potentially pushing away thousands of visitors. News reports of infestations can do damage to the city’s image, deterring potential visitors from experiencing the “City of Lights.”

The fear of encountering bed bugs in Paris hotels or other accommodations can significantly affect tourists’ travel plans. Forums like Reddit regularly light up with questions about infestations and whether to rebook trips in the last year. Tourists are increasingly wary of staying in places with reported infestations, and even the perception of a bed bug problem in the city can be enough to deter more squeamish travellers.

However, while there are murmurings of a potential decline in tourism, Paris stands strong as the world’s leading tourist destination, with the 2024 Olympics in the city just around the corner. The Olympics are expected to attract 15-million tourists to Paris, with enhanced clean-up efforts rolling out across the city in preparation for the event.

Health Implications

In France, the legal responsibility for bed bug eradication typically falls on landlords, property owners, and hoteliers. These legal responsibilities can lead to conflicts between tenants and property owners, particularly when infestations are not promptly addressed, especially as the process of determining responsibility and enforcing eradication can be time-consuming and contentious.

However, recently the French Government introduced a campaign to empower the public, whether homeowner or not, to join the fight against bed bugs.

Health Concerns

While bed bugs are not a major health threat, their bites can be itchy and uncomfortable. Scratching these bites can lead to secondary infections, adding to the discomfort, inconvenience, and even danger faced by those affected. Bed bug bites can cause significant distress for individuals with allergies to the bites, as their reactions can be much more intense

The psychological impact of a bed bug infestation can also be considerable, even leading to insomnia and anxiety – not exactly an idyllic Parisian holiday!

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Paris

Bed Bug Isolation Treatment: The Smartest Solution

Dealing with bed bugs can be a nightmare, but our bed bug isolation treatment makes it easier and smarter than ever. The beauty of this approach is that you don’t need to treat the entire room—just your bed. By isolating the bed, all the bed bugs in the room will naturally come to the bed legs at night. Here, they’ll encounter our barriers and be exposed to Diatomaceous Earth (DE), which will kill them. This method saves you time, money, and stress, and it’s effective 100% of the time.

Step 1: Secure the Mattress

Start by covering your sleeping mattress with a bed bug mattress cover, ensuring it’s zipped up and the tab is closed. This traps bed bugs inside, eventually killing them through starvation. It also helps spot bed bugs because the covers remove hiding spots on the mattress.

Step 2: Treat the Bed Frame or Ensemble Base

Ensemble Beds:
1. Stand the base on its end, remove all the wheels, and cover it with a bed bug cover. Zip it up completely.
2. Screw the wheels back into the base, piercing the cover with the bed leg screws.

Bed Frames with Slats:
1. Use a Bed Bug Steamer to steam the entire bed frame, paying special attention to cracks and crevices.
2. Remove the slats and steam on both the top and bottom surfaces of the slats.
3. Before replacing bed slats, apply Bed Bug powder to the bed frame and slats using a Bed Bug Killer Duster. Ensure the powder covers every inch, including the undersides.

Step 3: Set Up Barriers or Tape

To protect yourself from bed bugs in the room, use Bed Bug Barriers:
1. Screw-in Barriers: Attach these to the legs of the ensemble beds. Apply powder inside and outside the barriers and on the wheels.
2. Floor Barriers: Place bed legs in the Floor Barrier, dusting powder inside the tray and barrier.
3. Bed Bug Barrier Tape: For square bed legs or those larger than 65mm, use the tape at the bottom of the legs, dusting powder around the leg and floor.

Final Tips

– Keep your bed at least 30cm away from walls, bedside tables, and other furniture to prevent bed bugs from climbing on your bed.
– Isolate the bed so the only access points are the bed legs. This setup will kill bed bugs in the room within a few weeks to a month, regardless of their hiding places.
– Following these steps will ensure bed bugs are effectively eliminated from your bed and room, allowing you to sleep peacefully, knowing you’re protected.


Addressing the bed bug problem in Paris requires a comprehensive approach where the public, government, and landowners mobilise together. Public awareness campaigns can educate residents and tourists on how to identify and prevent infestations, helping people recognize the signs of an infestation early and take necessary steps to prevent spreading.

By taking these steps, Paris can safeguard public health so its tourism industry remains a vibrant source of economic prosperity. The city’s commitment to tackling the bed bug issue head-on will help restore confidence among travelers and maintain its status as one of the world’s premier tourist destinations.

To sidestep the pesticide resistance developed by the bed bugs in Paris, they should embrace natural, preventative measures – such as physical barriers, steam, and earth-based powders. These tools are scientifically proven to eliminate infestations in a safe, environmentally friendly way.

For more pieces about bed bugs, check out our blog today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Does Paris still have a bed bug problem?
    Yes, Paris continues to have a bed bug problem. Reports in 2023 highlighted bed bugs in hotels, cinemas, and public transportation. Despite efforts to control them, these pests remain persistent due to the city’s high population density.
  2. How to avoid bed bugs in Paris hotels?
    To avoid bed bugs in Paris hotels, research recent reviews before booking. Upon arrival, inspect the room, especially the mattress seams, headboard, and furniture joints. Keep luggage off the bed, ideally on a metal rack, and use bed bug-proof encasements for the mattress and pillows. When you return home, wash all clothes in hot water and dry on high heat.
  3. Are there bed bugs in Paris trains?
    Yes, there have been reports of bed bugs on Paris trains, especially on the metro and RER lines. To minimize risk, avoid placing bags on the floor, inspect your belongings after using public transport, and consider using bed bug-proof covers for your bags and items. Regular cleaning and fumigation are conducted, but vigilance is still necessary.

In summary, Paris does have a bed bug problem, but with careful measures, you can reduce your risk of encountering them in hotels and on public transportation.


The Guardian (Bedbugs paris fears of international infestation), Metro (I went to Paris and Im still itching) Olympics (paris-2024)

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