Do Bed Bugs Live in Hair? Get The Facts You Need To Know About

Bed bugs do not live in hair.

When it comes to bed bugs, there’s no shortage of concerns and misconceptions. One of the most common questions people have is, “Do bed bugs live in hair?” It’s easy to see why this question arises—after all, the idea of tiny insects hiding in your hair is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl.

Let’s dive into why that is, where these pests actually prefer to hide, and what you should do if you’re worried about an infestation.

Do Bed Bug Live In Hair?

Why Bed Bugs Cant Live in Hair

First things first—bed bugs are not equipped to live in human hair. Unlike lice or fleas, which have bodies and claws adapted to grip onto hair shafts, bed bugs have flat, oval-shaped bodies that are designed for squeezing into tight crevices. Bedbugs are attracted to heat, carbon dioxide, and the presence of human blood, but they prefer to nest in areas where they can easily access exposed skin without getting caught in hair.

Bed bugs are most active at night when they emerge from their nests. After feeding, they retreat to their nests, which are usually close to where their host sleeps. This means they prefer to hide in cracks, seams of mattresses, bed frames, and even behind wallpaper—not in your hair.

Where Do Bed Bugs Actually Live

So, if bed bugs don’t live in hair, where do they live?

Bedbugs are experts at hiding, and they can be found in a variety of places in and around your sleeping area, including:

  • Mattress Seams and Tags: Check along the seams, folds, and tags of your mattress for tiny, rust-coloured stains, shed skins, or live bugs.
  • Ensemble Bases and Bed Frames: Inspect the crevices and joints in your bed frame and box spring, as these are prime hiding spots.
  • Headboards: Bed bugs often hide behind or in the cracks of headboards, especially if they’re attached to the wall.
  • Baseboards and Carpet Edges: Bed bugs can squeeze into tiny gaps, so examine the edges of carpets and baseboards for signs of activity.
  • Electrical Outlets and Picture Frames: Bed bugs can even hide in the small spaces behind electrical outlets or within the frames of pictures hanging near your bed.
  • Couches, Chairs, and Other Upholstered Furniture: Inspect seams, cushions, and the underside of furniture where bed bugs might be lurking

Bed bugs choose these spots because they offer easy access to their food source (you!) while providing a safe, dark place to hide during the day.

Can Bed Bugs Get in Hair Temporarily?

Do bed bugs live in hair explained

While bed bugs don’t live in hair, it’s possible for them to end up in your hair temporarily. This might happen if a bed bug is disturbed during feeding or if it’s accidentally brushed into your hair. However, bed bugs don’t have the anatomy to cling to hair, so they won’t stay there for long. They’ll quickly seek out a more suitable hiding place.

If you wake up with bites on your scalp or near your hairline, it’s likely because bed bugs have crawled onto exposed skin while you sleep, not because they’re living in your hair.

Do Bed Bugs Live in Hair? No. But They Bite Near The Hairline

What to Do If You’re Worried About Bed Bugs

If you’re concerned about bed bugs in your home, the best course of action is to conduct a thorough inspection of your sleeping area. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Inspect Your Bedding: Carefully examine your mattress, bed base, and bed frame for signs of bed bugs. Look for tiny, rust-coloured stains (bed bug droppings), shed skins, or live bugs.
  2. Check Nearby Furniture: Bed bugs can also hide in nearby furniture, so be sure to inspect couches, chairs, and other upholstered items in your bedroom.
  3. Use Bed Bug Interceptors: Place bed bug interceptors under the legs of your bed to catch any bed bugs attempting to climb up from the floor.
  4. Vacuum Regularly: Vacuuming your mattress, box spring, and surrounding areas can help reduce the number of bed bugs in your home.

Remove Bed Bugs From Your Home Fast & Forever

Say goodbye to bed bugs for good with our comprehensive system designed to eliminate these pests instantly and keep them from coming back.

  1. Start by using steam to kill bed bugs on contact—this method is highly effective for instant eradication.
  2. For long-term protection, apply Diatomaceous Earth (DE) around your home, especially in cracks and crevices where bed bugs like to hide. DE (Bedbug Powder) works by dehydrating and killing bed bugs over time, ensuring they don’t return.
  3. Add mattress covers to prevent any remaining bed bugs from escaping or new ones from infesting.
  4. Finally, install bed leg bed bug barrier traps to stop bed bugs from climbing up into your bed, providing immediate and continuous protection.

How To Remove Bed Bugs From A Bed Frame

With this system, you can remove bed bugs from your bedroom once and for all.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Will Showering Get Rid of Bed Bugs?
    Showering can remove bed bugs from your skin or hair temporarily, but it won’t eliminate an infestation. Bed bugs don’t live on your body; they hide in your bedding, furniture, and other areas, so showering won’t solve the problem.
  2. What Shampoo Kills Bed Bugs?
    There isn’t a specific shampoo for killing bed bugs because they don’t live in hair. Any regular shampoo can wash away bugs temporarily, but the focus should be on treating areas where they actually hide, like bedding and furniture.
  3. Do Bed Bugs Come from Bad Hygiene?
    No, bed bugs aren’t attracted to dirt or bad hygiene. They can infest any environment, clean or dirty. Bed bugs are brought into homes via luggage, furniture, or clothing, not because of cleanliness.


Do Bed Bugs Live In Hair? Separating Fact from Fiction

The idea of bed bugs living in hair is a myth. These pests prefer to stay close to their feeding grounds, but they don’t make a home in your hair. Understanding where bed bugs actually hide and how they behave can help you take the right steps to protect yourself and your home from an infestation.

If you’re dealing with bed bugs or just want to be prepared, remember that knowledge is your best defence. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and rest easy, knowing that bed bugs won’t be taking up residence in your hair anytime soon.

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Watch Our DIY Treatment Video For An Ensemble Bed

Watch Our DIY Treatment Video For A Bed with Slats

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Scientific American (top 10 myths about bedbugs), News Medical (Bed bugs deterred by body hair), Terminix (bug facts)

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