How To Kill Bed Bugs Quickly? Without Toxic Poisons

If you’re dealing with bed bugs and need to know how to kill bed bugs quickly, it’s crucial to understand their habits and biology.

Bed Bug Habits and Biology

Bed bugs are sneaky little vampires that come out at night to feast on human blood. They can go months, even up to a year, without a meal, but they usually snack every 5 to 10 days (EPA). These critters love to hide within a few metres of where you sleep, but they can also be found in furniture, cracks, and crevices.

They start life as tiny eggs, and then go through several juvenile stages before becoming adults. A single bed bug can lay thousands of eggs in its lifetime. These eggs are about the size of a grain of rice and almost see-through, making them tough to spot. It takes around two weeks for the eggs to hatch into nymphs, which then grow into adults. Getting rid of all the eggs is key to stopping an infestation.

Life Stage Duration Feeding Frequency
Egg 2 weeks to hatch None
Nymph Several weeks Every 5-10 days
Adult Several months to a year Every 5-10 days

Bed Bug Traits

Bed bugs are tiny, reddish-brown insects that range from 1 to 5 millimeters long. Their flat, oval bodies let them squeeze into tight spots, making them hard to find.

Trait Description
Size 1-5 mm
Color Reddish-brown
Shape Flat and oval
Hiding Spots Beds, furniture, cracks, crevices
Diet Blood (mostly human)

Bed Bug Treatment Methods

Got bed bugs? Let’s get rid of them! Here’s a rundown of some tried-and-true methods to kick these pests to the curb.

Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments are a go-to for many dealing with bed bugs. Here’s the lowdown on what’s out there:

  • Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids: These are the big guns in the bed bug battle, targeting their nervous systems.
  • Desiccants: Think of these as bug dehydrators. They strip away the bed bugs’ protective coating, leaving them high and dry.
  • Biochemicals: Neem oil, anyone? This natural oil can send bed bugs packing.
  • Pyrroles: Chlorfenapyr messes with the bugs’ cells, making it a potent weapon.
  • Neonicotinoids: Synthetic nicotine that hits the bugs where it hurts—their nervous system.
  • Insect Growth Regulators: These chemicals mess with the bugs’ ability to grow and reproduce.

Heat Treatment

Heat is a bed bug’s worst nightmare. They can’t handle high temps. According to Medical News Today, bed bugs bite the dust at 45°C (113°F)  after 90 minutes or 47.8° (118°F)  in just 20 minutes. While heating an entire room might be tricky, you can toss smaller items in a dryer or use a specialized heating unit.

Temperature Exposure Time Effectiveness
45°C (113°F) 90 minutes Effective
47.8°C (118°F) 20 minutes Highly Effective

Freezing Methods

Cold can also do the trick. Stick items in a freezer for 8–10 hours to kill bed bugs. But be warned, your home freezer might not be cold enough. For best results, set it to at least -18°C (0°F) .

Method Duration Effectiveness
Freezer 8-10 hours High
Professional Freezer 4 hours High

Natural Remedies

Prefer to keep it natural? Here are some options:

  • Diatomaceous Earth: This bed bug powder dehydrates bed bugs by tearing up their exoskeletons.
  • Essential Oils: Oils like tea tree and lavender can repel bed bugs.
  • DIY Bed Bug Sprays: Mix up some vinegar and rubbing alcohol for a homemade bug killer.

Diatomaceous Earth

How To Kill Bed Bugs Quickly Treatment

If you think you have bed bugs, don’t panic. Just follow these easy 3 steps to find out how to kill bed bugs quickly.

Step 1: Secure the Mattress

Start by covering your sleeping mattress with a bed bug mattress cover, ensuring it’s zipped up and the tab is closed. This traps bed bugs inside, eventually killing them through starvation. It also helps spot bed bugs because the covers remove hiding spots on the mattress.

Step 2: Treat the Bed Frame or Ensemble Base

Ensemble Beds:

Stand the base on its end, remove all the wheels and cover it with a bed bug mattress cover, and zip it up completely. Screw the wheels back into the base, piercing the cover with the bed leg screws.

Bed Frames with Slats:

Use a Bed Bug Steamer to steam the entire bed frame, paying special attention to cracks and crevices. Remove the slats and steam on both the top and bottom surfaces of the slats.

Before replacing bed slats, apply Bed Bug Killer powder to the bed frame and slats using a Bed Bug Killer Duster. Ensure the powder covers every inch, including the undersides.

Step 3: Set Up Barriers or Tape

To protect yourself from bed bugs in the room, use Bed Bug Barriers:

  1. Screw-in Barriers: Attach these to the legs of the ensemble beds. Apply powder inside and outside the barriers and on the wheels.
  2. Floor Barriers: Place bed legs in the Floor Barrier, dusting powder inside the tray and barrier.
  3. Bed Bug Barrier Tape: For square bed legs or those larger than 65mm, use the tape at the bottom of the legs, dusting powder around the leg and floor.

Final Tips:

  • Keep your bed at least 30cm away from walls, bedside tables, and other furniture to prevent bed bugs from climbing on your bed.
  • Isolate the bed so the only access points are the bed legs. This setup will kill bed bugs in the room within a few weeks to a month, regardless of their hiding places.
  • Following these steps will ensure bed bugs are effectively eliminated from your bed and room, allowing you to sleep peacefully, knowing you’re protected.

Are You Looking for an Organic DIY Treatment?

Watch Our DIY Treatment Ensemble Bed

Watch Our DIY Treatment Bedframe

Check Out IOur Bed Bug Removal Methods

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What will kill bed bugs instantly?
    Steam will kill bed bugs instantly
  2. How do you get rid of bed bugs in 5 minutes?
    You can get rid of bed bugs in 5 minutes if you place a bed bug mattress cover on your mattress. This will only work if the bed bug infestation is only on your mattress.
  3. How do you get rid of bed bugs in one night?
    Steam your mattress and bed frame with a bed bug steamer. Dust your bed frame with Diatomaceous Earth. Place bed bug barriers on your bed legs and move the bed away from the wall.
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