Should You Stay Home if You Have Bed Bugs?

If you find out you have bed bugs in your home, you might worry about whether you should stay home or keep going out. It can be scary to think about spreading these little pests to other places.

The good news is that bed bugs don’t spread from person to person when you leave your house. So, you don’t need to stay home just because you have bed bugs. Instead, keep doing your usual activities while working on getting rid of them from your home.

Understanding the Risks and Realities:

Should You Stay Home if You Have Bed Bugs?

Finding out you have bed bugs can be stressful, and you might worry about spreading them to others. But it’s important to know that bed bugs don’t live in hair, on people or pets like lice or fleas. They usually spread when they hide in things like luggage or furniture, not by jumping from person to person.

This means that going to school or visiting friends won’t make bed bugs spread. Instead of staying home and worrying, it’s better to focus on getting rid of the bedbugs. That way, you can protect your home and feel better about the situation.

What Are Bed Bugs?

What Do They Look Like and How Can You Find Them?

So, what are bed bugs? They’re tiny bugs that like to bite people while they sleep and drink a little bit of blood—kind of creepy, right? But don’t worry, they’re more annoying than dangerous.

Here’s what they look like:

  • Size: Bed bugs are really small, Adults (5-7mm) are about the size of an apple seed.
  • Colour: Adults are brown. When eggs hatch they are translucent yellow, but after they’ve had a feed (your blood), they turn brown.
  • Eggs and Babies: Bed bug eggs (1mm) are tiny and white, and baby bed bugs (called nymphs) are really hard to see because they’re so small and almost clear.

Adult Bed Bug

To find bed bugs, check these spots:

  • Bites: Bed bug bites are small, red, itchy spots on your skin, usually in a line or a group.
  • Blood Stains: Sometimes, you might see tiny blood spots on your sheets or mattress if they’ve bitten you.
  • Little Black Dots: Look for tiny black or dark brown spots on your bed frame or mattress—that’s their poop.
  • Weird Smell: If you have a lot of bed bugs, your room might start to smell a little musty or sweet.
  • Exoskeletons: Shed castings (skins) after moulting can be found on the mattress or bed frame.

Blood Stains From Squashed Bed Bug

How Do Bed Bugs Suddenly Appear?

How Bed Bugs Spread and Why You Don’t Need to Stay Home

To understand why you don’t need to stay home, it helps to know how bed bugs spread. Bed bugs usually move around by hiding in things like suitcases, backpacks, or old furniture. They don’t live on people, and they won’t hitch a ride on you when you go out.

Since bed bugs prefer to hide in dark, quiet places, they’re unlikely to be on you when you leave the house. So, you can go out and do your normal activities without worrying about spreading them to other places. The most important thing is to focus on treating the bed bugs in your home.

What You Shouldn’t Do If You Have Bed Bugs

  • If you’re planning to travel and stay in a hotel or at a friend’s place, it’s really important to make sure that bed bugs aren’t hiding in your suitcase. Bed bugs love to sneak into bags and clothes, and if they’re in your luggage, you might accidentally bring them along with you.
  • This could cause bed bugs to spread to the places you visit, creating a new infestation. Before you pack, carefully inspect your suitcase and any items you plan to bring, and consider treating your luggage with a bed bug spray or sealing your clothes in plastic bags to keep these pests from traveling with you.

What to Do if You Have Bed Bugs

Steps to Take Instead of Staying Home

If you find bed bugs in your house, don’t panic! Instead of staying home, take these steps to get rid of them:

  1. Instant Relief with Steam:
    • Begin by using a steamer for bed bugs to treat your bed frame or ensemble base. The steam kills bed bugs on contact, providing you with immediate relief from the infestation.
  2. Secure the Mattress:
    • Encase your mattress with a bedbug cover. This traps any remaining bed bugs inside, where they will eventually die from starvation.
  3. Long-Term Protection with Diatomaceous Earth (DE):
    • After steaming, apply Diatomaceous Earth bed bug powder to key areas like the bed frame or ensemble base. This natural powder is lethal to bed bugs, dehydrating and killing any that come into contact with it.
  4. Set Up Barriers or Tape:
    • To prevent bed bugs from accessing your bed, create a defensive barrier around the bed legs. Use specially designed bed bug traps or barrier tape, and dust the inside with DE powder. Bed bugs in the room will be forced to cross this DE-coated barrier to reach your bed, ensuring they are killed before they can climb up.
  5. Positioning the Bed:
    • Ensure that your bed is at least 30cm away from walls and other furniture. This strategic positioning prevents bed bugs from using anything else in the room to reach your bed.

By using this method, you create a scenario where all the bed bugs in the room are forced to cross the Diatomaceous Earth to get to the bed. This effectively eliminates all the bed bugs in the room, as they cannot reach you without being killed in the process.

This approach ensures that your bed and room are free of bed bugs, allowing you to sleep peacefully knowing you’re protected.

Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Yourself With Our Isolation Method

Can You Spread Bed Bugs by Leaving the House?

Debunking Common Myths

There are a lot of rumours about how bed bugs spread, which can make you worry more than you need to. Let’s clear up some of the most common misunderstandings:

  • Myth: You can spread bed bugs by visiting a friend’s house.
    • Fact: Bed bugs don’t crawl onto you just because you’re walking around. They usually spread through things like bags or furniture, not people.
  • Myth: Staying home is the only way to prevent bed bugs from spreading.
    • Fact: Staying home won’t stop bed bugs from spreading. It’s more important to treat the infestation and take care of your home.

Knowing the truth about how bed bugs spread can help you feel better and focus on getting rid of them the right way.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs From Coming Back

After you’ve treated your home for bed bugs, it’s important to make sure they don’t come back. Here are some simple tips:

  1. Use Bed Bug Barriers: Put bed bug traps under your bed and furniture legs to stop bed bugs from climbing up.
  2. Check for Bed Bugs Regularly: Keep an eye out for bed bugs, especially around your bed and furniture. The sooner you find them, the easier it is to get rid of them.
  3. Be Careful with Second-Hand Items: If you get second-hand clothes or furniture, check them for bed bugs before bringing them into your home.
  4. Travel Smart: When you’re on a trip, check your hotel bed for any signs of bedbugs, keep your bags off the floor, and wash your clothes as soon as you get home.
  5. Diatomaceous Earth: Dust your bed frame with DE. This organic powder kills bed bugs for years unless its removed.

By following these tips, you can keep bed bugs away and feel safe in your home.

Conclusion: Should You Stay Home if You Have Bed Bugs?

What Should You Do?

Deciding whether to stay in your room when you have bed bugs can be tough. It depends on how bad the problem is and how much it’s bothering you. If you do stay home, make sure you’re ready to work on getting rid of the bugs. Whether you stay or go, the most important thing is to get rid of the bed bugs quickly so you can go back to feeling comfortable and bug-free!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Should You Stay Away from People if You Have Bed Bugs?
    You don’t have to stay away from people if you have bed bugs. Bed bugs don’t jump from person to person like some other bugs or spread diseases. If you’re going to be around others, check your belongings before leaving home to avoid spreading bed bugs to other places.
  2. Do I Need to Quarantine if I Have Bed Bugs?
    You don’t need to quarantine if you have bed bugs, like you would if you had a contagious illness, but you do need to be mindful if you are staying overnight at a friends house or hotel because you don’t want to spread bed bugs in your luggage.
  3. Should I Go Places if I Have Bed Bugs?
    You can still go places if you have bed bugs. It’s smart to keep your clothes and belongings clean by washing them in hot water. You can still go to school, visit friends, or go wherever you need to without worrying too much.

Are You Looking for an Organic DIY Treatment?

Watch Our DIY Treatment Video For An Ensemble Bed

Watch Our DIY Treatment Video For A Bed with Slats

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ABC News (Paris bedbug), Health VIC (bedbugs pest control), My Dr (bed bugs and bites)

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