What Smells Do Bed Bugs Hate? 16 Smells That Repel The Best

Kick Bed Bugs to the Curb Naturally

Have you got bed bugs? No worries, let’s look at “What smells do bed bugs hate?” so that you can fight back with natural remedies. Knowing which smells bed bugs hate and using essential oils can help keep these pests away.

Smells Bed Bugs Can’t Stand

Bed bugs have a keen sense of smell, and certain strong aromas can mess with their ability to find you. Here are some scents that send them packing:

Aroma Effectiveness
Lavender High
Peppermint High
Tea Tree Oil Moderate
Citronella High
Eucalyptus Moderate
Cinnamon High
Lemongrass High
Thyme High
Rosemary Moderate
Garlic High
Neem Oil High
Cedarwood Moderate
Orange Oil Moderate
Cloves High
Lemons High
Peaches Moderate

You can use these scents in sprays, sachets, or diffusers to make your home less inviting for bed bugs. Curious about what’s biting you at night? Check out our article on what is biting me at night.

Essential Oils to Keep Bed Bugs Away

Essential oils are a go-to for natural bed bug repellents. Here are some heavy hitters:

  • Thyme Oil: Thymol in thyme oil can overwhelm bed bugs’ nervous systems, making it a strong repellent.
  • Citronella Oil: Geraniol in citronella oil is great at repelling cockroaches and might work on bed bugs too.
  • Oregano Oil: Carvacrol in oregano oil is super potent against bed bugs.
  • Lavender Oil: Besides smelling nice, lavender oil can repel bed bugs with its strong aroma.

Mix these oils with other natural remedies for a more powerful punch. Want more tips on avoiding bed bugs? Check out our article on how to tell if bedbugs are in your clothes.

Using these natural scents and oils can make your home a no-go zone for bed bugs. For more info on treating bites, see our guide on how to get rid of bed bug bites overnight.

Natural Remedies That Actually Work

Got bed bugs? Don’t panic. There are some killer natural remedies to help you squash those pests. Let’s break down the perks of using a bed bug steamer, killer powder, and diatomaceous earth.

Why Use a Bed Bug Steamer?

A Bed Bug Steamer is your eco-friendly, chemical-free buddy, perfect for homes with kids and pets. It zaps bed bugs and their eggs on the spot. This gadget gets into places powders can’t, like deep in fabrics and tiny furniture cracks.

Feature Benefit
Chemical-Free Safe for kids and pets
Instant Results Kills bed bugs and eggs on contact
Versatile Works on mattresses, furniture, and carpet edges
Durable Built with quality materials and safety features

This bed bug steamer is a wallet-friendly option compared to commercial ones and ensures bed bugs are gone for good without scattering them around.

Kill Bed Bugs with Steam

Bed Bug Killer Powder

Bed Bug Killer Powder, made from diatomaceous earth, is a natural, non-toxic way to deal with bed bugs. It messes up their exoskeleton, causing them to dry out and die. Unlike chemical insecticides, which bed bugs can resist, this powder is a sure bet.

Feature Benefit
Non-Toxic Safe for the environment
100% Kill Rate Effective on all bed bug types
Dehydrates Bugs Kills by damaging their exoskeleton
Long-Lasting Keeps working over time

The powder can take up to 10 days to kill adult bed bugs, but first-stage nymphs bite the dust in about 24 hours. For beds with slats, use the steamer and powder together for quick and lasting protection.

Bed Bug Killer Powder

Diatomaceous Earth: The Bed Bug Slayer

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is another top-notch natural remedy. DE is a fine powder from fossilized diatoms, a type of algae. It’s super abrasive and wrecks the bed bugs’ protective layer, causing them to dehydrate and die.

Feature Benefit
Natural Made from fossilized diatoms
Abrasive Damages bed bug exoskeleton
Dehydrating Causes death by dehydration
Non-Toxic Safe for humans and pets

Dust DE in thin layers around bed frames, and other bed bug hotspots. It’s like making bed bugs crawl through razor-sharp sand, and they can’t build resistance to it.

Diatomaceous Earth

DIY Solutions for Bed Bug Control

Got bed bugs? Let’s kick ’em out with some easy, natural fixes. Here are some DIY tricks to keep those pesky critters at bay.

Home Remedies for Prevention

You don’t need fancy chemicals to keep bed bugs away. Some everyday items can do the trick. These natural remedies rely on smells that bed bugs can’t stand.

Unfortunately these are just a short term solution to repel bed bugs. For a long term treatmemt use Diatomaceours Earth powder and Steam

  • Peppermint Oil
  • Bed bugs hate the strong smell of peppermint. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and spritz it around areas where bed bugs might lurk.
  • Powdered Pepper
  • Bed bugs find powdered pepper unbearable. Sprinkle it in places where they might hide to keep them away.
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Tea tree oil isn’t just for cuts and scrapes. Its strong smell makes it a great bug repellent. Mix it with water and spray it around your home.
  • Lavender Oil
  • Lavender oil smells great to us but not to bed bugs. Mix it with water and spray it around your bed and other infested areas.
  • Neem Oil
  • Neem oil has a strong, bitter smell that bed bugs can’t stand. Apply it in areas where you’ve seen bed bugs.
Home Remedy Method Effectiveness
Peppermint Oil Spray High
Powdered Pepper Sprinkle Moderate
Tea Tree Oil Spray High
Lavender Oil Spray Moderate
Neem Oil Apply Moderate

Bed Bug Repellent Sprays

Making your own bed bug sprays is another great way to fight these pests. Here are some easy recipes:

  • Peppermint Spray: Mix 10-15 drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. Spray it around bed frames, mattresses, and other infested spots.
  • Tea Tree Oil Spray: Combine 20 drops of tea tree oil with water in a spray bottle. Use it on bed linens, carpets, and curtains.
  • Lavender Oil Spray: Mix 10-15 drops of lavender oil with water. Spray it around your home to keep bed bugs away.
  • Neem Oil Spray: Blend neem oil with water and spray it on infested areas.

These sprays are easy to make and can help you stay ahead of a bed bug infestation. For more tips, check out our articles on what is biting me at night and how to tell if bedbugs are in your clothes.

By using these home remedies and sprays, you can take charge of bed bug problems and keep your home bug-free.

Getting to Know Bed Bugs

If you want to kick bed bugs to the curb, you gotta know what makes them tick. Spotting the signs early and sniffing out their scent can save you a lot of headaches down the road.

Spotting Bed Bug Infestations

Finding bed bugs is like playing detective. Look for these telltale signs:

  • Visual Clues:
  • Tiny, reddish-brown bugs hanging around.
  • Dark spots on your sheets or furniture (yup, that’s their poop).
  • Small bloodstains on your bedding.
  • Smells
  • A musty smell, kinda like coriander or damp, moldy clothes.

The Smell of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have a unique scent, thanks to their scent glands. People often say they smell like coriander or spoiled raspberries. When there’s a lot of them, the smell gets stronger and can remind you of moldy shoes or mint.

Description Smell Comparison
Musty Odour Coriander, Spoiled Raspberries
Big Infestation Moldy Shoes, Wet Moldy Clothes, Mint

Crushed bed bugs have an even stronger smell. While a few bugs might not stink up the place, a big infestation will. Knowing these smells can help you catch them early and take action.

If you’re having trouble finding them, consider calling in the pros. Dogs trained to sniff out bed bugs have a 97% success rate, way better than humans. These dogs can find an infestation in minutes, making them a great ally in the battle against bed bugs.

Catching bed bugs early and understanding their habits can make a huge difference in getting rid of them. For more advice on dealing with bed bug bites, check out our article on how to get rid of bed bug bites overnight.

Safety and Effectiveness

Got bed bugs? Let’s talk about keeping your home safe and bug-free without turning it into a chemical war zone. Here, we’ll check out some eco-friendly and non-toxic ways to kick those pesky critters to the curb.

Eco-Friendly Bed Bug Solutions

If you’re not into dousing your place with harsh chemicals, eco-friendly options are your best bet. One standout is Diatomaceous Earth Dust (DED). This stuff, made from amorphous silica, is a favorite among environmental groups. Bed Bug Barrier’s treatment powder is a prime example. It’s safe for kids and pets, even if they accidentally munch on it. Plus, it’s a non-toxic way to deal with bed bugs.

Treatment Eco-Friendly Kid Safe Pet Safe Budget-Friendly
Diatomaceous Earth Dust Yes Yes Yes Yes

Keeping It Non-Toxic

Non-toxic treatments are a must if you want a safe home. Bed Bug Barrier’s Organic Killer powder is a top pick. It’s been tested and proven 100% effective, with over 20,000 treatments sold and no complaints. The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) gave it the thumbs-up back in September 2011, so you know it’s legit.

One cool thing about this powder is how it works. It dehydrates the bed bugs, so they can’t build up resistance. No poisoning their guts, just drying them out. Plus, it’s odorless and invisible once applied, so it won’t mess with your home’s vibe. Guests won’t even know you’ve treated the place.

For more tips on spotting bed bug infestations, check out our guide on what is biting me at night.

When picking a bed bug treatment, safety and effectiveness should be top of mind. Eco-friendly and non-toxic solutions protect your family, pets, and the environment while getting rid of bed bugs. For more info and facts on handling bed bug bites, see our article on how to get rid of bed bug bites overnight.

Professional Help

Got bed bugs? Don’t sweat it. Getting some pro help can make all the difference. Two solid options are using bed bug detection dogs and going for professional treatments.

Sniffing Out Bed Bugs with Dogs

Bed bug detection dogs are like the superheroes of pest control. These pups have a nose for trouble, boasting a 97% success rate in finding those pesky critters. Compare that to human inspectors, and it’s no contest.

Detection Method Success Rate
Bed Bug Detection Dogs 97%
Human Visual Inspection Much Lower

These dogs can sniff out bed bugs in minutes, making the whole process quick and painless. Plus, they can find even the tiniest infestations, ensuring no bed bug is left behind. It’s efficient and non-invasive, so you don’t have to worry about tearing your place apart.

Want to know more about identifying bed bug bites? Check out our page on what is biting me at night.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Fast & Forever:

If you think you have bed bugs, don’t panic. Just follow these easy 3 steps to get rid of bed bugs fast and forever.

Step 1: Secure the Mattress

Start by covering your sleeping mattress with a bed bug mattress cover, ensuring it’s zipped up and the tab is closed. This traps bed bugs inside, eventually killing them through starvation. It also helps spot bed bugs because the covers remove hiding spots on the mattress.

Step 2: Treat the Bed Frame or Ensemble Base

– Ensemble Beds:

Stand the base on its end, remove all the wheels and cover it with a bed bug mattress cover, and zip it up completely. Screw the wheels back into the base, piercing the cover with the bed leg screws.

– Bed Frames with Slats:

Use a Bed Bug Steamer to steam the entire bed frame, paying special attention to cracks and crevices. Remove the slats and steam on both the top and bottom surfaces of the slats.

Before replacing bed slats, apply Bed Bug Killer powder to the bed frame and slats using a Bed Bug Killer Duster. Ensure the powder covers every inch, including the undersides.

Step 3: Set Up Barriers or Tape

To protect yourself from bed bugs in the room, use Bed Bug Barriers:

  1. Screw-in Barriers: Attach these to the legs of the ensemble beds. Apply powder inside and outside the barriers and on the wheels.
  2. Floor Barriers: Place bed legs in the Floor Barrier, dusting powder inside the tray and barrier.
  3. Bed Bug Barrier Tape: For square bed legs or those larger than 65mm, use the tape at the bottom of the legs, dusting powder around the leg and floor.

Final Tips:

– Keep your bed at least 30cm away from walls, bedside tables, and other furniture to prevent bed bugs from climbing on your bed.

– Isolate the bed so the only access points are the bed legs. This setup will kill bed bugs in the room within a few weeks to a month, regardless of their hiding places.

Following these steps will ensure bed bugs are effectively eliminated from your bed and room, allowing you to sleep peacefully, knowing you’re protected.

For tips on dealing with bed bug bites, check out our guide on how to get rid of bed bug bites overnight.

Are You Looking for an Organic DIY Treatment?

Video For An Ensemble Bed

Video For A Bed with Slats

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What scent keeps bedbugs away?
    Essential oils like lavender, tea tree oil, peppermint, and eucalyptus may help deter bed bugs. These scents can be unpleasant for them but won’t eliminate an infestation.
  2. What can I put on my body to prevent bed bug bites?
    Applying essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil mixed with a carrier oil, or using insect repellents containing DEET, can help prevent bites. However, treating your environment is key to eliminating bed bugs.
  3. What smell attracts bed bugs?
    Bed bugs are mainly attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale and our body heat. They are also drawn to the natural scent of humans, which includes sweat and skin cells.
Tony Abrahams

Tony pioneered a non-toxic, eco-friendly solution for bedbug infestations. His innovation won the ABC TV show "The New Inventors" in 2009. In 2012, he successfully registered Diatomaceous Earth for bedbug control in Australia.

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